“Pisma Zebrane”
(Collected Works, available in Polish only)
By Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
Editor, Andrzej Pakuła MIC
The Collected Works by Blessed Stanislaus embrace all the presently-available works by the Founder of the Congregation of Marian Fathers. These works were translated from Latin into modern Polish by a group of interpreters. The first work to appear in that book is the Rule of Life. It is Fr. Papczyński’s most illustrative writing to reflect his and the Marian Congregation’s spirituality. The following works are arranged by length starting with the largest to the shortest. Each work has an introduction that gives particulars about its character, circumstances of its appearance, and its significance. Also, the majority of works have a bibliography. In addition, the book contains a calendar of Fr. Papczynski’s life and a chronological list of his extant and lost writings along with a general index.
Format 120 x 170mm • hard cover • 1584 pgs.
“Żywot Stanisława Papczyńskiego”
(The Life of Stanislaus Papczyński, available in Polish only)
by Tadeusz Rogalewski MIC
A colorful account of life of a Mountaineer from the vicinity of Nowy Sącz who studied at the best Jesuit Colleges and became the confessor to King John III Sobieski; who attempted to reform the Piarist Order, and who, eventually, founded the Congregation of Marian Fathers, following his call to serving the Immaculate Mary.
Format 115 x 195mm • paperback • 164 pgs.
“Historical Writings of Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński”
Translated by Kazimierz Krzyżanowski MIC
A chronologically-arranged and preceded by brief foreword, this collection of the Marian Founder’s writings, letters, and documents reflects his religious life and activity first in the Piarist Order and then in the Congregation of Marian Fathers, which he founded.
Format 223mm x 131mm • paperback • 132 pss. • code HWOP • $14.95
„Duchowe wskazania”
(Spiritual Instructions, available in Polish only)
By the Servant of God Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary Papczyński
Selected and edited by Janusz Kumala, MIC
The book contains selected thoughts from various writings by the Marian Founder which may serve as directives for the spiritual life of every Christian.
Format 95mm x 143mm • paperback • 126 pgs. • code SDBK • $4.95
“Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński, A Holy Man for Our Time”
by Rafał Zalewski MIC
Translated by Wiesław Śpiewak
The booklet contains a brief biography, selected thoughts, a Novena and a Litany of the Blessed, along with color photos.
Format 117mm x 165mm • paperback • 48 pgs. • color photo section • code LOBS • $5.95
“Theological Foundations of the Christian Life in the Teaching of the Founder and the Renovator of the Congregation of Marians”
Tadeusz Rogalewski, MIC
tłum. Paul i Ewa St. Jean
In this book Bl. Stanislaus and Bl. George introduce us to a closer relationship with God, building on the foundation of how He has revealed Himself in Christ and through the work of the Holy Spirit. They then show us how this relationship with God should be formed in the life of the Church with an emphasis on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role, particularly through the Immaculate Conception. We also see how the Marian Founder and the Marian Renovator conceived the Christian life as filled with hope because it opens up the present reality to the eschatological perspective.
Format 146mm x 224mm • paperback • 276 pages • Code SFR • $10.00 plus shipping
“Stanislaus Papczyński (1631-1701)”
by Rev. Tadeusz Rogalewski, MIC
With keen understanding and rich insight, Fr. Rogalewski traces Fr. Stanislaus’ life from his special call to found the Marians, his holy death, and his posthumous fame.
Soft cover • 472 pages plus color photos • $12.95 plus shipping
“The Mystical Temple of God”
by Fr. Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczyński
Translated from Latin, this work may be regarded as a spiritual handbook for day-to-day understanding of the call to “be living temples of God” in the ideal preached by St. Paul. This book presents those who seek a deeper Christian spirituality with a simple formula set on the foundation of the image of God’s Temple.
Soft cover • 137 pages • $11.60 plus shipping
“Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczyński: Graces Received”
produced by Br. Andrew R. Mączyński, MIC
This recording is a collection of authentic testimonies given by people of different walks of life; people that come from different cultural, financial, and educational backgrounds. Regardless of the differences, their written testimonies or letters give witness to their authors’ deep conviction that the grace was received—a change in financial, spiritual, health, or family circumstances—has come as a direct result of the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński.
Music CD • 50 min. • $9.95 plus shipping
“Powerful Intercessor:
Testimonies of Graces Received through the Intercession of Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński, Founder of the Marians”
Selection accounts of graces received through the intercession of Blessed Father Founder, which the faithful sent to the Vice-Postulator for the Marian Beatification Causes for North America and Asia.
Soft cover • 98 pages • Code BKFF • $9.95 plus shipping
“Blessed Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński,
Founder of the Congregation of Marian Fathers”
Available in Polish Only
This small book is a keepsake of the solemn beatification of Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński, Founder of the Congregation of Marian Fathers, which took place on September 16, 2007, at the Marian Shrine in Lichen, Poland.
Format 4″ x 6″ • hard cover • 120 pages • $3.00 plus shipping and handling
Commemorative Medal
Vit-Verit, a company from Częstochowa (Poland), was commissioned to mint silver medals bearing the likeness of Blessed Stanislaus. The Founder of the Marians holding a crucifix is presented on the front of the medal. The surrounding inscription reads: Beatus Stanislaus Papczyński Marianorum ab Immac. Conceptione B.V.M. Fundator 1631-1701. The back displays a symbolic image of the Poor Souls in Purgatory, which is to emphasize one of the main features of spirituality of the Blessed and the Congregation, which he raised into existence. The surrounding inscription reads: Orate Fratres pro Defunctis. As far as we know, these are the first medals in the history of the Congregation that bear the image of the Blessed Founder.
The price of a single medal made of sterling silver is US$25.00, plus shipping and handling. To order this medal in gold, contact the website administrator.
Poster for framing
Please cover all shipment costs prior to delivery.
28 cm x 35.5 cm / 11 inch x 14 inch
42 cm x 53.5 cm / 16.5 inch x 21 inch
56 cm x 71 cm / 22 inch x 28 inch
For the Polish-speaking readers we also recommend the PROMIC [Marian Publishing House] publications; to order please contact: www.wydawnictwo.pl
Pisma Fundacyjne [Founding Works]
By Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
Translated into Polish by Kazimierz Krzyżanowski, MIC
Series: „Źródła mariańskie [Marian Resources]”, tome 2
Critical edition of the Founder’s writing pertaining to the founding of the Marian Order. An extensive introduction was prepared by Frs. Andrzej Pakuła, MIC, and Prof. Julian Kałowski, of the Stefan Wyszynski Catholic University. Writings included in this volume show not only a wide historical and legal perspective, but also the multi-dimensionality of the Blessed’s motivation and action. Documents are arranged chronologically.
Format 162 x 235mm • hard cover • 196 pgs. • price 17.00 Polish zlotys
Cuda i Łaski za Przyczyną Błogosławionego Stanisława Papczyńskiego
[Miracles and Graces Through the Intercession of Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński]
Selection and Edition by Jan Kosmowski, MIC, and Wojciech Skóra, MIC
This selection gives us only some of the numerous letters and testimonies, numbering several thousands, that speak of the graces received through the intercession of Blessed Stanislaus. Some testimonies were published in 1997 and in 2002 through the effort of the Vice-Postulators of the process of canonization and the Association of Marian Helpers in Poland. This publication was enlarged with letters from the U.S. and the description of the miracle that became basis for the beatificaiton of the Founder of the Marians.
Format 110 x 180mm • paperback • 216 pgs. • price 10.00 Polish zlotys
Zwiastun Królowej Sztuk
czyli kształcenie adeptów kunsztownego przemawiania, autorstwa Stanisława od Jezusa i Maryi ze Szkół Pobożnych
[Messenger of the Queen of the Arts or the training of adepts of the beautiful public speaking, by Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary of the Pious Schools]
By Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
Translated by Kazimierz Krzyżanowski, MIC
Series: „Źródła mariańskie [Marian Resources]”, tome 3
The volume is an extensive textbook on Rhetoric which was first published in Latin in Warsaw in 1663 by the King’s Printer Elert. Its present critical edition is the first Polish translation of the work. The introduction is written by Prof. Janusz Drob from the Catholic University of Lublin.
Format 162 x 235mm • hard cover • 384 pgs. • price 29.00 Polish zlotys
Wejrzenie w Głąb Serca [Looking Into the Depth of Heart]
By Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
Translated by Wacław Makoś, MIC
Series: „Źródła mariańskie [Marian Resources]”, tome 4
By providing reflections for Sundays, holidays, special topics, and individual weekdays, the author encourages us to meeting God in the depth of our hearts and to take a look at ourselves in His light, by contemplating God in love and faith. The Latin original of this work did not survive to our times; the present translation was done on the base of a copy from 1773.
Format 162 x 235mm • hard cover • 164 pgs. • price 31.00 Polish zlotys
Pisma Pasyjne [The Passion Writings]
By Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
Translated by Ryszard Roman Piętka, MIC
Series: „Źródła mariańskie [Marian Resources]”, tome 5
This volume contains two collections of the Passion sermons entitled Ukrzyżowany Mówca [Crucified Speaker] and Chrystus cierpiący [Suffering Christ]. These two works placed their author among the illustrious Church speakers of the second half of the 17th century who were greatly appreciated during their lifetime and … forgotten after their death. Each work is composed of seven reflections (discussions) which probably originally appeared as Lenten sermons.
Format 162 x 235mm • hard cover • 192 pgs. • price 29.00 Polish zlotys
God’s Goodness and Mercy
Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
price: 11 Polish zlotys
On the Road to the House of the Father
Blessed Stanislaus Papczyński
price: 11 Polish zlotys
Fruits of the Prayer. Testimonies about Graces Received through the Intercession of the Servant of God
Stanislaus Papczyński
price: 4.5 Polish zlotys
Fruits of the Prayer. Testimonies about Graces Received through the Intercession of the Servant of God
Stanislaus Papczyński, part II
price: 6 Polish zlotys
To order your copy, please write to the Website Administrator in Polish, English, German, Spanish, French, or Russian.