Excerpts from the Pope’s homilies and official addresses.
Excerpt from the Address to the General Chapter of 1981
On this very day, as I am well aware, falls the 350th anniversary of the birth of the Servant of God, Stanislaus Papczyński, who in the prime of life of 38 years, after a particularly wise discernment, founded your Congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, in Poland. As you know, this very day also happens to be my 61st birthday. It is a very joyful and pleasant occasion for me to have you, the Marians, gathered here, around the sacrificial altar of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, before the image and in the name of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, so that in brotherly love we can prayerfully celebrate this double anniversary.
Excerpt from the Address to Special General Chapter of 1984
It is common knowledge what excruciating difficulties assailed your Congregation over the past three centuries, that is from the time when Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński providentially founded it in my fatherland. Just as thus far your religious family succeeded in overcoming adversities and at times rising above such dangers which even threatened its very existence – so now I wish – nay, even more – I do expect that after deeper reflection and renewal of the rules of your Institute, a fresh enthusiasm will flourish in your midst.
Excerpts from the Address to the General Chapter of 1987
The Servant of God, Stanislaus Papczyński, wishing to dedicate his life to the propagation of the cult of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and moved by an inner inspiration, joined with several hermits in 1673 and established with them the first community of “Marians” in the woods of Korabiews. They adopted a white habit in honor of Mary Immaculate. Korabiew is still considered the cradle of the Institute.
This is the specific heritage that your Founder, Father Papczyński, entrusted to you; an ideal that came forth from a heart open and sensitive to the motions of the Spirit and attentive to the needs of the time. Very early the Marians extended their sphere of action beyond Poland and Lithuania, opening houses in Portugal and Rome itself.
You, Marian Fathers, sons and heirs of the ideals of Father Papczyński and of the newly Blessed Matulewicz, whose zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and unshakeable fidelity to the Church remain an unquestionable point of reference for all of you, let yourselves be drawn to the swelling ranks of the new poor of various cultures, so as to be able to respond to their deepest aspirations, their thirst for truth, justice, and love.
Excerpt from the Address to the General Chapter of 1993
Your experience is long and at times dramatic. It contains the treasures of three centuries of history that ensued from the moment when in the soul of Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński’s (1631-1701) was born the idea of calling to life a Congregation of the Immaculate Conception, for which he obtained the Church’s approval on October 24, 1673. Later a great reformation was accomplished by a Lithuanian, Fr. George Matulaitis-Matulewicz (1871-1927), subsequent Bishop of Vilnius and the Apostolic Visitator to Lithuania, whom I had the great honor of declaring blessed in June of 1987. And finally the events of our times.
Excerpt from the Closing Address after the Holy Mass of Canonization for Bl. Kinga, June 16, 1999, Stary Sacz, Poland.
Also, we shall not forget the Venerable Servant of God, Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński. He was born in the nearby Podegrodzie and here he became renowned for his holiness, which found its confirmation in the pending beatification process.
Excerpt from the Address to the General Chapter of 1999
Dear Marian Fathers, it is very significant that your Congregation, the first founded by a Pole, have an outstandingly Marian character, being bound to Mary Immaculate. In the 1600’s, when the crisis of the then powerful Polish State began to emerge, Fr. Stanislaus Papczyński looked for a support in the Immaculate. There’s the direction he left you: in every difficulty have recourse to the Immaculate’s help. In this he did not but accept the invitation of Jesus Himself who from the Cross pointed Mary out as mother to John the apostle.
Great be in you always the trust in Mary most Holy, as Fr. Papczyński taught you by his example! Have recourse to her with fervor, especially when it’s a matter of facing grave dangers or moments of crisis.
Excerpt from the Address to the General Chapter of 2005
Faithful, moreover, to the charism that contradistinguishes you, be children devoted to the Immaculate Conception. A few months have passed since the Church has celebrated the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin. As is known, your Founder the Venerable Servant of God Stanislaus of Jesus Mary Papczyński, knew how to spread and defend with courage the truth of the Immaculate Conception even before it was defined as a dogma of faith. Follow faithfully his example and spread Marian devotion all around you