Over the course of the last 350 years or so, many outstanding men have helped define what it means to be a Marian of the Immaculate Conception. Our founder, Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, set this all in motion in 1670 when he founded the first male order in the entire Church dedicated to Mary’s Immaculate Conception.
As the Postulator General of the Congregation, it is my responsibility to promote the causes for sainthood of all outstanding Marians — the ones who have given their lives to Christ and the Church, and who have set an example for us Marians by their holiness and heroic virtues — Marians who died in the “fame of sanctity.”
I function as a link between our Congregation and the Holy See to move forward the causes of our men for canonization and beatification. I collect data on the lives of these men, including miracles attributed to their intercession after their deaths. I also encourage people to pray to these holy men that they would intercede before the throne of Almighty Father on behalf of the faithful.
I hope you take some time to read about the holy men highlighted on these pages. Their lives are an outstanding example for all us to follow. They heard the voice of God and responded. We’re all called to do the same.
Below you will find links to different pages dedicated to Marian Blesseds as well as other great members of our religious community.
• Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz •
• Blessed George Kaszyra • Blessed Anthony Leszczewicz •
• Fr. Casimir Wyszyński • Fr. Raymond Nowicki • Fr. Christopher Szwermicki •
• Fr. Vincent Sękowski • Fr. Joseph Jarzębowski • Fr. Fabian Abrantowicz • Fr. Andrew Cikoto •
• Fr. Eugene Kulesza • Fr. Benedict Skrinda • Fr. Sigmund Trószynski •
If you’ve been granted a favor from God through the intercession of any of these men, please contact me. I have collaborators (vice-postulators) in each of the Marian Provinces. You can also e-mail me at: [email protected] or contact one of our Vice-Postulators in your own country.
or write:
Postulatore Generale dei Chierici Mariani
Casa Generalizia
Via Corsica, 1
00198 Roma, Italia
Tel.: (39-06) 853-703-1
Fax: (39-06) 853-703-22