Jan M. Rokosz, MIC

Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life

by Fr. Jan M. Rokosz, MIC, Superior General of the Congregation of Marian Fathers before the Morning Prayer for Religious, Lichen, 16 September 2007

This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it (Ps 118).

The words of Psalm 118, with which we are about to praise the Lord, in a very special way expresses the feelings of the Marians on the day when the Founder of our Congregation, Stanislaus Papczyński, will be proclaimed Blessed. The words of this psalm are particularly close to us today. They remind us of God’s might and His tender care over his people experienced by the entire Church, and now, in a special way, by the Marian community, along with all the Consecrated Religious gathered here.

It is my privilege to greet with great joy and devotion His Eminence, Cardinal Franc Rodé, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, who is present among us, and has been asked to lead the Morning Prayer. It is hard to find a more significant symbol of unity with the universal Church, especially with religious communities all over the world, than to be having the founder of the first male Polish Religious Order raised to the honors of the altar. The presence of Your Eminence among us is also a sign of your paternal care for Consecrated Life in Poland. On behalf of all of us gathered here, I would like to thank you for your concern.

The presence of so many Consecrated Religious from Poland and abroad, for which I thank you with all my heart, is a very significant sign of communion. May our prayer lead us to a greater faith in the power and love of Christ, who died and rose for us. May it animate our hearts, so that we could “do everything in love,” as Father Stanislaus Papczyński often encouraged religious to do.